new age jazz bossa nova experimental folk electronic
I currently teach at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Before moving to LA, I taught for three years at the State University of New York - Oneonta.
During 1996, Fulbright scholar teaching computer music at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte Brazil.
I was a research associate at the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA)( University of California, San Diego). From 1990-95 I assisted a computer music exchange program between CRCA, the Laboratório de Investigación y Producción Musical (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics ( Stanford University, California), funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
During that time I helped develop NUCOM, the Brazilian computer music society. I served on the music committee for two of the conferences, the first held in Caxambu in 1994, the second held in 1995 in Canela, and the third which took place in 1996 in Recife. I coordinated the tutorials for the fourth symposium in 1997 in Brasília and the fifth symposium in 1998 in Belo Horizonte.
Website to distribute information on computer music in the Americas . Information is collected in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. It points at separate files for differentcountries:
Archive of compositions for computer-controlled piano. Entries include standard MIDI files, software, and documentation.
by Out of the Blue Productions.