Activity Assignment [ A-7 ]

Create a Word file for your work on the following questions.

  1. What are the lowest and highest frequencies you can hear when you experiment with a sine wave generator? What factors determine that range?
  2. Create two audio tracks in Audacity. Synthesize 5 seconds of a 500 Hz sine wave on Track 1. Leave it panned to the center. Synthesize another sine wave on Track 2 with a frequency of 503 Hz. Leave it panned to the center. What to you hear when you play them together?
  3. Create two new audio tracks. Starting a time 10 seconds, synthesize (or copy) a 500 Hz sine wave on Track 3. Pan it all the way to the left side. Synthesize (or copy) a second sine wave for 5 seconds with a frequency of 503 Hz on Track 4, and pan it all the way to the right. What do you hear? Were you wearing headphones? If not, how do you think it might sound different if you wore them? Why? After that ends record yourself saying "right" on Track 7 and pan that track to the right. Play these three tracks recordings back. Could you tell the difference now that you've adjusted the panning? How would it change if you listen with headphones compared with playing it through the computer's two built-in speakers?
  4. Create two new tracks. Starting at time 20 seconds, record yourself on Track 5 saying "Haas effect moving source to left ear" and pan that track to the left. Copy the audio clip on Track 5 and paste it in to Track 6. Pan Track 6 to the right. Select the audio on Track 6 and delay it 5 ms. What does that sound like? Can you hear the Haas effect? Experiment with changing the delay time between 1 - 20 ms. Which delay time creates the strongest Haas Effect for you?
  5. Create two new tracks. Starting at time 25 seconds, create a similar effect as you did in the last step, but with the Haas effect in the right ear by delaying the audio in the left track 15 ms. How does that compare with the last experiment?
  6. Create contrast between two tracks, one simulating you saying "50 centimeters away on your left" you coming from the left side, with a second sound source saying "10 meters away on your right" coming from the right side. Try lowering the amplitudes of the faders and adding reverberation to make sounds seem to come from farther away. Which of the different presets on the reverb effect gave the most realistic effect?

Save your work as a Word .doc or .docx file or PDF and upload to Canvas.

Acoustics for Musicians class

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