Reading Assignment [ R-6 ]
Read Chapter 6 of the textbook.
Upload a Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF file to Canvas with answers to the following questions. Put a blank line between each answer in order to make it easier to read. Use your own words. After the definition each term, create an example of using the word in a sentence.
- tone
- timbre
- pure tone
- fundamental frequency
- waveform
- harmonics
- harmonic series
- additive synthesis
- sawtooth wave
- square wave
- spectrum
- formant
- vibrato
- frequency modulation
- noise
- inharmonic spectrum
- white noise
- chorus effect
In addition to defining the above vocabulary, answer the following questions in your own words.
- How many different frequencies make up a sine wave?
- If you make a graph of a waveform, what does the vertical y-axis represent? What does the horizontal x-axis represent?
- Why are two of the notes in Fig. 2 filled in and in parenthesis?
- Which waveform has more different frequencies, a square wave or a sawtooth wave?
- If you make a graph of a spectrum, what does the vertical y-axis represent? What does the horizontal x-axis represent?
- Which frequencies' amplitudes do you have to boost in order to make the sound "brighter"?
- According to Table I, is the frequency range of the first formant on the oboe higher or lower than for a flute?
- How can you tell from looking at the spectrum of a sound whether its spectrum is harmonic or inharmonic?
Acoustics for Musicians class
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