Live Sound Equipment



Assignment - see Blackboard for details

  1. Sign up on our case study list for the company that makes live sound equipment that you want to research so that no one else picks the same one, then write a case study about it (5 points).

  2. Answer these questions regarding work for an independent sales company that represents a group of different manufacturers (5 points).

    a) What are qualities and qualifications that are desireable for sales reps?

    b) Which one of these (or other) sales rep companies would you be most interested in working for: OnTrack Sales, Audio Biz, McFadden Sales? Why?

    c) What manufacturers would you seek out if you were going to start this type of company? Why?

    d) Another category of company related to music tech is systems integration, and here are some examples of companies in Indiana that do this work: Digitech, AV Integrations, Millenium Sounds. What does an audio/video systems integrator do? What problem do they solve for their customers that is not handled by a salesman or sales rep? What skills and interests do you have that could be applied to this line of work?

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