Study Guide
Week 3
[ Review ] [ New Material ] [ What You Should Know ] [ Homework ]
Review the vocabulary for non-harmonic tones.
New Material
We've seen the ii-V- I progression before, but this week we use it to modulate A great example of constant shifting of key centers using this progression is in John Coltrane's "Giant Steps".
The analysis of non-harmonic tones comes from the tradition of classical music. Jazz harmony takes a different, freer approach derived from scales and chord symbols. Another way to look at non-chord tones, especially with jazz music, is by considering them as "altered tones".
What You Should Know
At the end of this week you should be able to:
modulate to different keys using the ii-V- I progression
identify altered pitches
See the homework assignment. Like every week, the homework will be due at the Friday of the following week, in other words, NEXT FRIDAY. The homework assignment is summarized on the class schedule, but the assignment page is the final authority and goes into greater detail.
©2002 Robert Willey